Skills and Heart Lecture "The Story of Roof Talking with Craftsmen" Report

Date and time: October 16, 2011 (Sun) 14:00-16:30
Venue: Lasse Hall Convention Hall (Chuo-ku, Kobe)
Participant: 230 people (free admission)
Narrator: Yasu Toho (Professor and Architect at the University of Tsukuba), Minoru Shiozawa (Thatched house)
    Makoto Nakano (Miyama Thatched Co., Ltd.), Masafumi Yamada (Yamashiro thatched roof construction)

This year's skill and heart lecture welcomed Professor Toho Yasuhiro, a professor at the University of Tsukuba, and three energetic young thatched craftsmen to commemorate the holding of the "roofing" exhibition.

In the first half, self-introduction and discussion from thatched craftsmen, and in the second half, Dr. Ando talked about the current situation of thatched roofs around the country, and the discussion was based on that.

Dr. Ando (right) and Masafumi Yamada (left) of Yamashiro thatched roof construction. In Mr. Yamada's report, he talked about the current situation of thatched roof and the future from the standpoint of managing thatched grounds for generations.

Makoto Nakano of Miyama Thatching Co., Ltd. Nakano worked as a salaried worker after graduating from high school, but noticed the wonderfulness of thatched roof that remained in his hometown, Miyama-cho, and became a disciple of the master of thatched craftsman. At present, he is also working hard to develop his disciples. You live in a thatched house yourself and feel the comfort with your skin.

Minoru Shiozawa of thatched house. We are actively engaged in activities for the general public, such as roofing using a thatch cut by our own hands.
It was impressive to talk about new ways to use thatched roofs, such as thatched roofs as insulation, and living cool in summer and warm and comfortable in winter.

In the discussion, can you eat only with thatched work? From the simple question, a wide range of topics were discussed, such as how to manage Kayaba in the future and the handing down of technology.

In the past, it was said that Japanese that thatched roofs would disappear, but it is now the Arafo generation craftsmen who stood up from such a crisis situation and inherited traditional techniques and became new leaders.
`` Our role is to connect the upper generation and the lower generation, '' and to the proud thatched craftsmen, visitors said, `` I am impressed by the reassurance of the craftsmen '' I want young people to ask. "

It's the venue. As many as 230 visitors came.

Thank you very much to Dr. Ando and other narrators for the hot talk.

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