Kobe venue

Kobe Venue Guide Map
Period From October 6 (Sat) to November 18 (Sun), 2012
Venue Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Opening hours From 9:30 to 16:30 (entrance until 16:00)
Closed days Monday (or the next day if it is a national holiday)
Admission fee 300 yen in general / 200 yen in large and high school students / 100 yen in small and middle school students
Sponsorship Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Sponsorship Kobe Shimbun
Grants Arts and Culture Promotion Fund
Cooperation Otsuka Bamboo Co., Ltd., Saga Fujimoto Tatami Co., Ltd., Senbon Meiki Shokai Co., Ltd., Matsumura Mount Taido Co., Ltd., Maruni Co., Ltd., Mizusawa Corporation, Yasui Motsu Corporation, Kyoto Institute of Technology Art and Crafts Museum, Kyoto Traditional Architectural Technology Association, Sato Sakan plasterers Industrial Works, Sotoji Nakamura Construction Co., Ltd., Ltd., Ltd., Ltd., Ltd.,

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