Photo report

Photo report tour "Nyoan and Temporary Yuso"

Date and time Saturday, December 8 12:45 to 17:00
Venue Yurakuen, Kyuyuso (Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture)
Instructor Masao Nakamura (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Cooperation Meitetsu Inuyama Hotel Yurakuen, Yamazaki Mazac Co., Ltd.

The commemorative tour of the Nagoya venue was held in the midst of the north wind blowing due to the low pressure. This time, there were many applications from all over the country, and 30 elected people participated because they could tour the inside of the precious building and commentary by Dr. Masao Nakamura, the leading expert of Sukiya. .


It begins with a tour of Joan, which is famous as a tea room for national treasures. At the former Shodenin Shoin (an important cultural property) where Urakusai Oda spent his later years, Dr. Nakamura of Instructor explained the character of Yurakusai and the history of the relocation by Satomi Horiguchi. After that, they were divided into groups and toured the inside of Joan. Everyone was impressed to see the novel design of Yurakusai's creativity up close.


After the tea room, we went around the garden and toured Joan from outside. In addition, we toured the tea room "Genan" of Osaka Tenman Yashiki, which was restored in the garden. The garden was guided by the staff of Yurakuen. Thank you for the detailed explanation in the very cold weather.


Next, after traveling by bus, we will visit Koyuso, the highest peak in Sukiya style in Nagoya. The Takamatsu family of Nagoya merchants ran the mansion from the Meiji era to the Taisho era, but when there was a danger of demolition in the 1980s, then President Yamazaki Mazac Co., Ltd. took over and revived as a guest facility of the company.


In great hall, Dr. Nakamura gave an overview of the creation of tea masters and Sukiya carpenters who were involved in the construction. After this, we divided into groups and went around the tea room and the parlor with 10 rooms.


Each room has a different design, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the Sukiya Museum is a building. Participants voiced "great" and "beautiful" in the splendid world of Sukiya, which is different from Joan.

Finally, Dr. Nakamura told me that he would lament the poverty of the current housing culture and that he would like to convey this wonderful world of Sukiya to future generations.

Through the two famous architectures, I think you could have fully enjoyed the wonderful world of Sukiya full of creativity. Thank you to Dr. Masao Nakamura, who explained many times during the cold and long hours, as well as Yurakuen and Yamazaki Mazak for their support.

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