Introduction of carpentry tools

Chisel [nomi]


5 How to use a chisel

The use of the chisel is one of the difficult carpentry jobs, and is commonly referred to as "three years of hole drilling".

Since the work of the chisel requires a number of tools, it is important to secure a proper place in advance and be careful not to get mud. To take the posture, usually sit on the right side of the material, and always hold the right foot. It is said that it is better to pay Gennos from the shoulder, swing it outside, and swing it down, and swing it vertically or hit it horizontally is not a carpenter's skill.

When using a chisel, it is important to consider the characteristics of the target material. When digging a hozo hole, consider the grain of the wood and use the type of chisel and the power to add. Use a thick chisel when cutting the grain (Figures A to B on the right), and use a wide chisel with a wide ear width when chiseling along the grain (B to C), so that it does not break outside the ink Be careful. Also, pay attention to the front and back of the material as shown in the figure on the right, and proceed with the chisel while predicting the cracking direction.

As for the procedure of digging the hole, first chisel along the ink, and then cut the mouth from a little inside and start digging. This is because if you drive strongly along the ink from the beginning, you may be squeezed by the cutting blade and the hole may be larger than the required size. Next, put a blade in the center and dig it into a V-shaped shape. Finally, carefully cut it along the ink with a finishing chisel. What should be noted in the work of drilling is to dig up while constantly conscious of the true ink of the material so that the position and shape of the hole are always correct. It is necessary to always check with the Ruler etc. so that the hole does not bend with large materials.

The work of digging is to dig about 40 holes a day, and for that purpose, it is necessary to hit the chisel efficiently with a large sensibility. The chisel is made sturdy to withstand it.

How to dig a hole

  • ・Teijiro Muramatsu, "Study on Craft Techniques of Japan Carpenters," Inst. for Sci. of Labor, 1984
  • ・Supervised by Yoshio Akioka, by Makoto Yoshimi, "Wood Tools / Usage_ Functions / Types / Tailoring / Usage-" Sogensha, 1980
  • ・Shigeru Tokinoya "Carpenter Tools and Carpenter Work" "Carpenter Tools Collection" New Architecture Company, 1984