Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum Research Bulletin is published on J-STAGE, an academic e-journal site operated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). (PDF format)
●Activities of Toba and Ao Mineyama Shofukuji and carpenter Kuzo Nakamura
Hajime Matsumoto (former Takenaka Corporation Archives Group)
Shogo Honkyu (Traditional Architecture Group, Advanced Design Department, Design Department, Takenaka Corporation)
Tadanori Sakamoto (Chief Curator, the museum)
●About investigation of Daitokuji Temple Hojo discovery chisel
Masako Uemura (curator of the museum)
●Tenaka Meio Taro-related materials (carpenter tools) Investigation report-Whetstones and ritual tools-
Kinya Hoshino (Director, Osaw and Blacksmithing Research Center)
Tadanori Sakamoto (Chief Curator, the museum)
●About Zensaku of carpentry tool blacksmith
Tetsuya Nakajima (Domiya Carpenter)
●[Introduction of Materials] "The life of Korea Wood Monks Hand, Peng Kihan, this Korean saw also rusted" (wood procurement)
Choi Goun (curator the museum)
●About processing marks of building materials excavated from the site of Mr. Asakura Ichijoya
Masako Uemura (curator of the museum)
Kuma Toru Tani (Fukui Prefectural Ichijoya Asakura Ruins Museum Cultural Property Investigator)
●[Introduction of Materials] "The life of Korea Kite and Peng Xiuhan, this Korean saw also rusted" (carpenter tools)
Choi Goun (curator the museum)
●Activities of Toemon Takenaka Kudai in the Sanenji document
Hajime Matsumoto (former Takenaka Corporation History Archives Group)
Tadanori Sakamoto (Chief Curator, the museum)
●Reprints and introductions of "Kuroda Munenobu Tradition Documents" and "Uezuminomaki"
Tadanori Sakamoto (Chief Curator, the museum)
Yuki Kato (Associate Professor, Environmental Design Division, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University)
●[Introduction of Materials] Published by Hiromitsu Miyano
Tetsuya Yasuda (curator of the museum)
●Tenaka Meio Taro-related materials (carpenter tools) survey report-planes, small planes, Marking Tools, spare blades-
Kinya Hoshino (Director, Osaw and Blacksmithing Research Center)
Tadanori Sakamoto (Chief Curator, the museum)
●Elucidation of skillfulness focusing on the eyes of the beginning of cutting in wood cutting skills
Kazuharu Hashizume (Professor, Faculty of Education, Shimane University)
●About Naoyoshi Yoshino, a naval engineer and architect
Tetsuya Yasuda (curator of the museum)
●Tenaka Meio Taro-related materials (carpenter tools) Investigation report- saw, chisel, hammer, Drills, nail tightening-
Kinya Hoshino (Director, Osaw and Blacksmithing Research Center)
Tadanori Sakamoto (Chief Curator, the museum)
●Carpenter tools in Gansu Province, China
Lee Hui (Associate Fellow, Nara Institute of Cultural Properties)
●Carpenter "Edo Kuma", Kato Kuma Jiro and Guard Sword
Tadanori Sakamoto (Chief Curator, the museum)
●Judging from the literature
Tetsuya Yasuda (curator of the museum)
●About tools for making tiles in ancient times
~ Through the restoration work of flat tiles and round tiles by making tub winding ~
Choi Goun (Curator the museum)
●About Italian woodworking tools
Survey and collection report in Veneto, northeastern Italy
Mitsuyo Itakura (President of Design Office)
●Blacksmith, shape and time change of Kawai Collection Maebiki-oga Wide Blade Ripsaw, owned by Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Takumi Nakamura (Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Institute of Technology)
Ryozo Kawai (Kitake Kobo Ryoan)
Kinya Hoshino (Associate Professor, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture)
●About the tatami mats of the general contract sketch drawing-Thinking about drawing tools in the early modern era-
Tadanori Sakamoto (Chief Researcher, the museum)
Masahiko Kamata (Cultural Property Protection Division, Kyoto Prefectural Education Bureau, Cultural Property Protection Division, Cultural Property Preservation and Repair Contractor, Carpenter)
●Research report on blade scars at main hall, Chofukuji Temple, Nara Prefecture
Masako Uemura (Researcher, the museum)
●About Chiyo Tsuruzehide's blacksmith's "Kusanbo" reproduction project
Nishiyama Marsero (Researcher, the museum)
●Carpenter tools in Shanxi Province, China
Lee Hui (Visiting Researcher, Nara Institute of Cultural Properties)
●About historical materials related to the former Kurasukiya Terada family
Yuko Koide (Lecturer, Kyoto College of Arts)
Susumu Hyuga (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Kunio Kirisako (Kyoto College of Architecture, Teacher)
Yoshio Yao (part-time lecturer at Kyoto University of Art and Design)
Yasutaka Matsumoto (Researcher, Tonan University);
Tadanori Sakamoto (Researcher the museum), Dr.
Takumi Nakamura (Researcher the museum), Dr.
Yuki Kato (Researcher, the museum)
●Investigation report of logging and sawing in the production of Making the Most of Wood wood display
Takumi Nakamura (Researcher, the museum)
●The achievements of the carpenter ridge beam Shigerobe Ichida and Tatsuzo and its materials
Yuki Kato (Researcher, the museum)
●Preservation Survey Report on Modern Blacksmithing Methods Part 2
-[Funahiro] The name, Yuji Funatsu's chisel production -
Shuichi Ishikoso
●Current status of carpentry tool research in Korea
Choi Goun
●Standard organization of carpentry tools in repair organization in Beijing Palace, China
Lee Hui
●Preservation Survey Report on Modern Blacksmithing Technology 1
-Plane Blacksmith [Mosaku] Record of Norihisa Kanda-
Shuichi Ishikoso
●Analysis of blade marks in Axe
-Investigation report on the blade scars of building materials from the Asuka period to the Kamakura period Part 1
Masako Uemura
●On-site class program "I'm in a Millennium Nail"
-Report on Program Development and Practice for Elementary Schools -
Tokyo Omura
●About the transition of planes in modern times
-Focusing on the back money of two planes -
Etsuko Funabiki
●Sanjo ink pot
-Investigation report on production techniques and production history -
Tadanori Sakamoto
●Building a house in Sunba, Indonesia
-Unga Village customs house reconstruction project report-
Makoto Koike, Koji Sato, Nishiyama Marsero
●Cambodian carpentry tools and traditional wooden houses
-Survey reports in the provinces of Kampong Cham and Battan Ban -
Ichita Shimoda, Chambitalone, Tadanori Sakamoto, Takeshi Nakagawa
●The sharpness of the plane
Shuichi Ishikoso, Akinori Abo, Noboru Tsuchida
●Transition of double-edged saws in modern times
Etsuko Funabiki
●History of Ugatsu tools (chisel and Drills) west and east of Eurasian Continent
―Comparison of technology and tools for building wooden architecture Development History, Part 4―
Akira Watanabe
●About saw blacksmithing "Hisaku Nakaya"
Kinya Hoshino and Etsuko Funabiki
●The shape and craft techniques of ancient chisel found on the blade marks of building materials
Masako Uemura
●Wooden construction and carpentry tools in Vietnam
-Survey report in Hanam, Tuathienhue, and Ninthuan Province -
Tadanori Sakamoto, Takeshi Nakagawa, Shinichiro Nakazawa, Hideaki Hayashi, Le Vin Ann
●Changes in front saws in modern and modern times
Mainly the front saws of Shichirouemon found in Kobayashi Collection
Kinya Hoshino and Masako Uemura
●History of Axe in the west and east of Eurasian Continent
-Comparison of technology and tools for building wooden architecture Development History, Part 3-
Akira Watanabe
●Changes in carpentry tools seen in the Katoriya Tool Store Catalog
Etsuko Funabiki
●Modern wood split book "Ihei Kashiwagi and other secretaries" Volume 5, Volume 2, Volume 1, Volume 1, "Gosho-sama" (bottom)
Tadanori Sakamoto, Takeshi Nakagawa, Mikiyasu Yamazaki, Masataka Sasaki, Masaki Koiwa
●Historical transition of Sakan plasterers mortar shape and statistical analysis of shape measurement
Nishiyama Marsero
Special Exhibition
Permanent exhibition