Commemorative Lecture "Learning from Satoyama-Roofs made with grass and trees" Report

Date and time: Friday, September 9, 2011 18:00-19:45
Venue: AB Hall, 2nd floor, Tokyo Main Store, Takenaka Corporation
Part 1: "The Thatching Techniques Ask Craftsmen"
   [Narrative] Misao Hiroyama (thatched craftsman), [Listener] Yachiyo Ueno (Director of the Japan Thatching Cultural Association)
Part 2 "Learning from Satoyama-Roof made of grass and wood-"
   [Instructor] Hiroshi Antoho (Professor and Architect, University of Tsukuba)

A lecture was held to commemorate the special exhibition [roofing-roof made of grass and wood-].

The first part of the Instructor is Misao Hiroyama (narrator) and Yachiyo Ueno (listener) of the Japan Thatching Cultural Association. Mr. Hiroyama, who has been involved in thatching for more than 50 years, asked about his career as a Tsukuba thatch, and the materials, tools and techniques of thatching in Tsukuba.

Mr. Hiroyama explained about thatched roof, the exhibition venue, which was produced by Ibaraki craftsmen. The roof of the Tsukuba style is wonderful with the decoration of the small mouth (Kiritobi) of the ridge, and it is a highlight of craftsmen's skills. The character of this "Kotobuki" is said to have ink from cutting it with scissors. There are various types of old thatched house Kiritobi, such as cranes, Sho-chiku-bai, and turtles in water.

The second part of Instructor is Professor Toho Yasuhiro, a professor at the University of Tsukuba and an architect. He is a leading expert in thatched roof research and is involved in a wide range of activities, including research and design of wooden houses.

It was a very widely heard story about the types and history of roofs made of plants, including thatched roofs, the characteristics of materials, and the roofs of the world. Finally, he talked about his current efforts to use kaya as a heat insulating material for temporary housing in the affected area, and concluded his lecture.

This is the venue for the exhibition. Thank you very much for visiting us.

Photography: Shoma Kosai

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