Video library

In the video library, you can use video works.
In addition to the exhibition on each floor, group users can view the desired video at the theater on the 1st floor, and individual users can view the desired video at the B2F Library.

Skills and Spirit of Carpenters

Carpentry Tools and the History of Japanese Architecture

10 minutes

Carpenters are amazing!!

15 minutes

Carpenter Tools - Its Skills and Mind - (Japanese)

22 minutes

Carpenter Tools - Its Skills and Mind - (English)

22 minutes

Carpenter Tools - Its Skills and Mind - (Short Version)

13 minutes

The World of Domiya Carpenter - (Japanese)

23 minutes

The World of Domiya Carpenters-(English)

23 minutes

The World of Domiya Carpenters-(Short Version)

17 minutes

Sukiya carpenter —Artisan who creates beauty - (Japanese)

20 minutes

Sukiya carpenter —Artisan who creates beauty - (English)

20 minutes

miyadaiku talks about the beauty and skill of Japanese architecture—

18 minutes

Osumi Style Ridgepole Raising Ceremony

5 minutes

Chochikukyo-The Wooden Modernism of Koji Fujii

11 minutes

Kigumi House (Japanese)

90 minutes

Kigumi House (English)

90 minutes

Kigumi House (Short Movie) (Japanese/English)

34 minutes

Assembling Woods

Stepped Gooseneck Splice (shortened version)

9 minutes

Stepped Gooseneck Splice

12 minutes

Rabbeted Oblique Scarf Splice (shortened version)

9 minutes

Rabbeted Oblique Scarf Splice

12 minutes

Mortised Rabbeted Oblique Splice (shortened version)

9 minutes

Mortised Rabbeted Oblique Splice

12 minutes

Beam Connector (shortened version)

9 minutes

Beam Connector

12 minutes

Kyoro Framing Sytem (short ver.)

11 minutes

Kyoro Framing Sytem

14 minutes

Tools from Around the World


5 minutes

Government-style old building construction techniques - techniques passed down to the Imperial Palace -

19 minutes

Nepalese Woodworking Tools

8 minutes

Nepalase Blacksmiths

9 minutes

Sunba Island, Indonesia — Long roofed houses and carpentry tools

22 minutes

Skills of Craftsmen

Soma lumberers of the Kiso region

8 minutes

I'm sorry, this content is just Korean right now.

Growing Kitayama cedar trees in Kyoto (Japanese)

28 minutes

Growing Kitayama cedar trees in Kyoto (English)

28 minutes

Kinma wood sledge (Japanese)

7 minutes

Kinma wood sledge (English)

7 minutes

The craft of a woodcutter (Japanese)

22 minutes

I'm sorry, this content is just Korean right now.

The craft of a woodcutter (English)

22 minutes

I'm sorry, this content is just Korean right now.

Sakan plasterers

21 minutes

Shingling a roof_Cypress bark (Japanese)

24 minutes

Shingling a roof_Cypress bark (English)

24 minutes

Shingling a roof_Kokera (Japanese)

19 minutes

Shingling a roof_Kokera (English)

19 minutes

Making architectural metal works - (Japanese)

24 minutes

Making architectural metal works - (English)

24 minutes

Ship Carpenter's Work: Build a Sanriku Isofune

9 minutes

A Millennium of Tile Roofing-Recreating Ancient Tiles

21 minutes

Hydraulic Lumber

11 minutes

Arrow in a Sake Bottle-Leveraging the Properties of Wood

8 minutes

From Imagination to Actualization-Sakan Craftsman Kusumi Akira

25 minutes

Solecism of Craftsman's Technique - Sakan Craftsman Kusumi Akira

16 minutes

Heritage of Kumiko Crafts (Japanese/English)

26 minutes

Techniques of INAMI Wood Carvings; Making Carved Ranma Transom (Japanese/English)

14 minutes

Maintaining Tools

Ingenious Blades and Sharpening

7 minutes

Sharpening of Chisels

11 minutes


7 minutes

Natural Sharpening Stone (Japanese)

7 minutes

Natural Sharpening Stone (English)

7 minutes

Saw Filing

6 minutes

History of Tools

The skills of the Jomon period

10 minutes

The Reproduction of Ancient Tools

23 minutes

Split Lumber

11 minutes

The History of Japanese Saws

6 minutes

The History of Japanese Planes

6 minutes

Two-man Frame Saw

5 minutes

Maebiki-oga Wide Blade Ripsaw

6 minutes

Two-man Cross-cut Saw

4 minutes

Spearhead Plane

3 minutes

Making Tools 1

Carving ink pots - ink pot artisan Mitsuaki Nagai

7 minutes

Making a Carpenter's Square

10 minutes

Making an Axe

7 minutes

Making an Adze

9 minutes

Adze Makers ーTakagi Junichi and Takagi Toshio

17 minutes

Making an Adze Handle

10 minutes

Making a Double-Edged Saw

9 minutes

Making a Lumberjack's Saw

7 minutes

I'm sorry, this content is just Korean right now.

Leaf Making a Double-Edged Saw - Tetsunosuke Miyano (shortened version)

15 minutes

Rebirth of a Konoha Crosscut Saw -Miyano Tetsunosuke

39 minutes

The Master Sawsmith, Tetsunosuke Miyano

27 minutes

Making a Chisel

9 minutes

Making Tools 2

Making a Plane

8 minutes

The Making of a Plane -Chiyozuru Sadahide, Master Craftsman

21 minutes

Make yariganna

7 minutes

Make a file

8 minutes

Making a Drill

7 minutes

A Maker of Genno Hammers -Kozaburo(shortened version)

6 minutes

A Maker of Genno Hammers -Kozaburo

14 minutes

A Husband and Wife Team of Tool Makers

16 minutes

The science of Echigo blacksmiths

19 minutes

Kiridashi-Kogatana made by Korehide Chiyozuru

14 minutes

Making a Nail

16 minutes

The Use of Tools 1

Ruler (Japanese)

7 minutes

Ruler (English)

7 minutes

Inkpot and Bamboo Pen (Japanese)

5 minutes

Inkpot and Bamboo Pen (English)

5 minutes

Marking Gauge (Japanese)

6 minutes

Marking Gauge (English)

6 minutes

Drawing a Plan Board (Japanese)

3 minutes

Drawing a Plan Board (English)

3 minutes

Japanese Stereotomy (Japanese)

7 minutes

Stereotomy-How to use a Carpenter's Square- (English)

7 minutes

Hewing axes and adzes (Japanese)

5 minutes

Hewing axes and adzes (English)

5 minutes

Saws - Basic Saws (Japanese)

6 minutes

Saws - Basic Saws (English)

6 minutes

Saws - Saws by Application (Japanese)

5 minutes

Saws - Saws by Application (English)

5 minutes

The Use of Tools 2

Chisels-Striking and Butt Chisels (Japanese)

8 minutes

I'm sorry, this content is just Korean right now.

Chisels-Striking and Butt Chisels (English)

8 minutes

I'm sorry, this content is just Korean right now.

Chisels-Paring and Special Chisels (Japanese)

4 minutes

I'm sorry, this content is just Korean right now.

Chisels-Paring and Special Chisels (English)

4 minutes

I'm sorry, this content is just Korean right now.

Sculpture only and chisel (abbreviated version) (Japanese)

5 minutes

Sculpture only and chisel (abbreviated version) (English)

5 minutes


15 minutes

Drills (Japanese)

5 minutes

Drills (English)

5 minutes

Planes - Smoothing Planes (Japanese)

9 minutes

Planes - Smoothing Planes (English)

9 minutes

Planes-Special Planes 1 (Japanese)

6 minutes

Planes-Special Planes 1 (English)

6 minutes

Planes-Special Planes 2 (Japanese)

5 minutes

Planes-Special Planes 2 (English)

5 minutes

Woodworking Machines and Power Tools

7 minutes