

[Important] Announcement of Opening and Requests to Visitors (Updated 06.16)

the museum was temporarily closed on March 7 to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection. However, in response to the cancellation of the request from Hyogo Prefecture and the cancellation of the designation of a specific warned area by the government, we decided to resume it on May 28. We deeply apologize to all those who have been looking forward to your visit for their long-term inconvenience.
We will work on infection prevention measures when restarting, and we look forward to your understanding and cooperation.
Please see (★) below for measures to prevent infection and requests to everyone.
★Measures to Prevent Infectious Diseases, Requests to Everyone (PDF)

In addition, reservations will be made with a specified date and time until June 21 (Sun). If you would like to visit the museum, including those who are eligible for free admission, please check the details below (★★).
★★Request for admission by a date and time designation system
※Reservations are not required for visitors after June 23 (Tuesday). However, please note that admission may be restricted as appropriate to avoid congestion in the hall.

[For those who live far away]
In some areas, "emergency measures" have been lifted, but in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, you will be required to refrain from unnecessary and urgent movement in each region for the time being.

[About service suspension, etc.]
※The following facilities are not available to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
 ・Hands-on exhibition in gallery space
 ・Basement library corner (including reading books)
 ・Toilet hand dryer
 ・Rest room
 ・Workshop Room
※For the time being, only the following products will be sold at the museum shop.
 ・Aalto Exhibition Goods

(Updated in 2020.06.16)