Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum has implemented the following measures to prevent COVID-19 infection. We look forward to your continued understanding and cooperation.
⦿Efforts to Prevent Infectious Diseases
・Alcohol disinfectant is installed at the entrance of the hall (automatic door), so please use it.
・Staff who respond to visitors may be wearing masks. Thank you for your understanding.
⦿Requests to all visitors
・If you are not feeling well, such as fever, cough, or other cold symptoms, please refrain from visiting the museum.
・Please cooperate with hand washing, wearing a mask, cough etiquette, etc.
・If you feel sick during your visit, please contact your local staff.
■Future Events
In order to prevent infection and spread of COVID-19, the following events will be canceled or postponed. We apologize for any inconvenience, but thank you for your understanding.
・3/20 (Fri./holiday), 21 (Sat.) Workshop “Making Kumiko Coaster” (Nagoya venue)
The schedule after the postponement will be announced on each event page as soon as it is decided.
・3/14 (Sat.) Seminar on Skills and Hearts [98] Chisel, various ⇒ postponed in mid-July
Future events (seminars, workshops, etc.) may also be canceled or postponed. Thank you for your understanding. In that case, we will inform you on the the museum website, official Facebook and Twitter.